Divine Guidance isn't outside of you, it is within you

The group coaching program is designed to replace uncertaintity and doubt with confidence and power, as you navigate your spiritual evolution. Become your own best authority by strengthening your intuition, replacing inhibiting patterns, and energetically healing areas in your life causing stagnation or doubt on your journey of self empowerment.

As you navigate your spiritual evolution, learn to:

  • Replace uncertainty and doubt with confidence and power

  • Become your own best authority by strengthening your intuition.

  • Replace inhibiting patterns keeping you stuck in the same cycles.

  • Energetically heal areas in your life causing stagnation, doubt, and discomfort.

Developing Your Clair Senses

We will work to identify how you most naturally receive spiritual communication, explore techniques to sharpen those skills, and work to achieve confidence in the messages you are receiving.

Understanding Energy

All is energy. In gaining an understanding of energy, you will learn how to achieve greater balance in your life; transmute feelings, thoughts, and emotions from one state of being to another; and tap into the energetic forces that are all around you.

Healing the Shadow

Often times we don’t move forward because we are only addressing those things on the surface. Healing the shadow helps us accept the parts of ourselves that we have found unacceptable and allows us to show up fully as our authentic self.

Higher Self Connection

Our higher self (highest self) is constantly trying to guide us to a state of alignment and walking in our purpose. Through traumas, conditioning, or fear we have muted our own inner guidance. You will reconnect and gain confidence in being guided by your own inner wisdom.

Tools For Your Journey

We will explore the use of crystals, herbs, essential oils, affirmations, mantras, meditation, and journaling as tools to assist with your development.

Pricing options

Past Participant's Love

“"The most pleasant surprise of the course is the connection you build with your cohorts in class. Being able to be in a group with women who have different abilities and who are at different stages in their journeys was invaluable. We learned just as much from each other as we did from Dr. LaToya, and it reminded me that I wasn’t alone in a lot of ways."”

Lissa B.

“Dr. La Toya’s courses are worth the money! The Self-Empowerment class was the one that opened me up to see myself differently. The result was giving myself the love, attention, and nurturing that I needed. I learned how to protect my energy, how to set intentions, and trust my medium abilities. As a teacher, she doesn’t do it for you. You have to do the work! More than once, I have sat in her courses with my brain smoking from all the mind-blowing connections she makes.”

Jarenda W.

“I can’t say enough about Dr. La Toya her knowledge is unprecedented. Her patience, nonjudgmental, and welcoming learning environment is what has brought me back every time. No matter your religious beliefs. Her connection to the Divine is undeniable. She is a gift and necessary for anyone experiencing a Spiritual Awakening, seeking information, healing, or elevation. She can provide you with information to help to you.”

Tara J.

“After I worked with Dr. La Toya, I was way more comfortable with my strong intuitive powers, I felt more supported to believe and trust on what I was seeing and feeling. During our [Self-Empowerment] coaching group, I had the chance to practice in a warm environment how to step up and honor what I'm here to do: transform myself and heal disempowering patterns from my lineage and support others to do the same.”

Debora O.

“The biggest takeaway that came to me later but was initiated in the program was that there is no separation between me and God. Gaining a better understanding of my Ori/Higher Self/Intuition is simply "remembering who I am"—versus trying to "become someone". As a result, I continue to do the work to strengthen trust in my true self. From the program, I learned that one of our greatest struggles is unlearning who we have been told that we are to find our true self. I also REALLY appreciated how you normalized communication with Spirit. It was very affirming to watch you talk to Spirit as you would a close partner or to yourself in our sessions. It gave me the confidence to trust the communications that I have always received. In a weird way, it made me feel normal—if that's even a thing.”

Kristen D.,LMFT

What to Expect

  • Bi-Weekly Classes

    Every other Sunday we will meet for a class lesson, discussion, and Q&A. You will leave each class with ways to practically apply the new information to your individual situations. Classes meet on January 29, February 5, February 19, March 5, and March 12 via Zoom from 10:00 am - 11:00 EST. All classes are recorded and you have lifetime access to all course material. *After Live Bi-Weekly Class dates have passed, material will be found in pre-recorded videos in the portal.

  • Personal Work

    Although we meet and discuss as a group, the impact truly occurs when you dig in and do your personal work. Each week you are given an assignment to help uncover, ignite, or heal an aspect within yourself so that you are able to tap into the most authentic version of yourself.

  • 1 on 1 Private Coaching Session

    Schedule your personal coaching calls with Dr. La Toya to discuss anything you would like while on this journey. Use these calls to receive laser-focused direction for integration and feedback, discuss things that have been coming up and shifting for you during the process, or just receive guidance based on your goals. *Only available during live run of the program.

Course curriculum

  1. Links (Zoom and Coaching)

  2. Module 1 - Working in Harmony with Universal Laws

  3. Module 2 - Everything is Energy

  4. Module 3 - Trusting Your Own Voice

  5. Module 4 - Ancestral Limitations and Energy Return

  6. Module 5 - Bringing it All Together

How is the Program Structured?

  • 7 hours of video content
  • 3 - Individual Private 30 minute Coaching Calls
  • 9 - Weekly Assignments
  • 5 - Live Group Coaching Calls

About the Coach

Dr. La Toya Davis, Ph.D., specializes in Energy Healing, Spiritual Evolution, and Karmic Resolution through the use of the Akashic Records and Ancestral connection. A Reiki Master, Certified Akashic Record Reader, Spiritual Intuitive and Medium with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Toya (as she is called) has developed a healing system that incorporates Universal energy, botanical and crystal based medicines, and metaphysical overlays to produce spiritual rebalancing and guidance. As a Self Empowerment Coach, Dr. La Toya assists her clients with identifying and transforming energetic, emotional, and mental blocks through a combination of client-specific modalities. Guided by information from the Akashic Records, clients are able to embark on a self empowerment journey based on their soul’s true purpose within the greater scheme of humanity.

Pricing options

Have Questions? I Have Answers

  • Who's this program for?

    This program is for women who are on a spiritual journey. Women who want to develop a greater connection with the Divine aspects of themselves and gain insight to walk fully in their purpose. The success of this program requires the full commitment of participants to the process -- self-motivation, transparency, and accountability--. in order to create the necessary healing paradigm shifts.

  • What do you mean by spiritual?

    My work starts from the approach that we are all divine beings living a physical existence with absolute free-will and the ability to co-create our reality. Your personal relationship with spirit or Source (however you choose to call this energy) is more important than a religious construct. Although I sometimes make connections to various religious practices (primarily African traditional based religions), the focus and interest is in developing

  • When do classes meet?

    We meet every other Sunday beginning on January 29 at 10:00 am EST. Classes last for 1 an hour and the recordings are available within 24 hours after the class ends.

  • What if I can't make group time?

    All sessions are recorded and you will have access to them while you are in the program. You can submit questions ahead of time and receive feedback in during the call. We can also discuss any questions or challenges that you are encountering via our private 1:1 sessions or by posting questions in the private group.

  • What's the time commitment?

    Group time is 60 minutes bi-weekly. You will get from this process as much as you put into the process. Weekly assignments are for your growth and development. My goal is to coach you into a lifestyle shift. That means you will be best served to show up for yourself everyday.

  • Do you offer 1:1 Coaching?

    YES! I offer VIP personalized 1:1 Coaching. An individualized personal plan is created in collaboration with you and to help you help you achieve your own unique goals. 1:1 Coaching combines Intuitive and Akashic Record guidance to assist with ensuring alignment of goals. Areas of focus include Mindset Shifting, Manifestation, Spiritual Attunement, and Emotional/Karmic/Energetic Healing.